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Fleet Car EV Charging Solutions: Everything you need to know

With the UK government’s pledge to end the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2030 (at time of writing!), electric vehicles (EVs) are set to become the norm. For businesses managing fleets, integrating EV charging solutions is an inevitable step forward. Here are the essential factors businesses should weigh when sourcing EV charging solutions…

  1. Assess Your Fleet’s Requirements: Start by understanding the size of your fleet and its growth trajectory. The number of vehicles, their battery capacity, and daily mileage are crucial to determining the number of chargers you’ll need, their type, and their capacity.
  2. On-site vs. Off-site Charging: Consider the spatial limitations of your premises. If on-site charging isn’t feasible due to space constraints, look for partnerships with nearby charging networks or public charging stations. On-site solutions are ideal for overnight charging, while off-site might be better suited for midday top-ups.
  3. Type of Chargers: In the UK, EV chargers vary from slow (3-6kW), fast (7-22kW), to rapid chargers (43-150+ kW). While rapid chargers can be more convenient, they’re also costlier. Balance your fleet’s charging speed requirements with your budget constraints.
  4. Cost and Financing: Implementing EV charging solutions requires capital. However, UK businesses can tap into various grants and subsidies, like the Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS), which offers financial support for the costs of the purchase and installation of EV chargepoints.
  5. Integration with Fleet Management Systems: Modern EV charging solutions come with software that can seamlessly integrate with fleet management systems. This allows for real-time monitoring, scheduling, and optimisation of the charging process, ensuring efficient fleet operations.
  6. Maintenance and Downtime: Regular maintenance ensures longevity and optimal performance. Opt for solutions that come with comprehensive warranties, service agreements, and minimal downtime. Remember, a non-operational charger can disrupt fleet schedules.
  7. Scalability: As your fleet grows or the electric vehicle market evolves, your charging needs may change. Ensure your chosen solution is scalable, whether that means adding more charge points, upgrading existing ones, or integrating newer technologies.
  8. Safety and Compliance: Safety is paramount. Ensure that the EV charging solutions comply with UK and EU safety standards. Additionally, consider solutions that offer features like over-current protection, ground fault monitoring, and surge protection.
  9. Green Energy Options: To maximise the environmental benefits of transitioning to EVs, consider sourcing your electricity from renewable sources. Some providers offer green energy plans or partnerships with renewable energy suppliers.
  10. Employee Training: The switch to EVs, complemented by new charging protocols, may necessitate training sessions for employees. Ensure that the provider can offer training resources or sessions to help your team adapt seamlessly.

The transition to electric fleet vehicles is environmentally and economically strategic for UK-based businesses, but it’s the methodical selection of charging solutions that will determine the effectiveness of this shift. Businesses must engage in thorough research, consultations, and future-proof planning to make the most of their EV investments.

Are you looking for EV charging solutions for you business? The Fleet Summit can help!

Image by (Joenomias) Menno de Jong from Pixabay


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