13th & 14th November 2024
Radisson Hotel & Conference Centre London Heathrow
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PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT: ClearInspect ‘Self Inspection’ functionality enables Leasing / Contract hire / Subscription providers to assess vehicle condition remotely

Unreported damage in leased / rented/ subscription fleets

Fleet owners would like to know the condition of their vehicles during the term of use and just prior to end of lease to assess damages, generate repair estimates and also plan for repairs.

  1. Physical checks sending assessors to customer locations is impractical and expensive and it is inconvenient for end users to bring their vehicles in for inspection on a regular basis.
  2. End users are not trained to carry out inspections and hence quality of the assessment could be poor if not guided properly.
  3. Some end users may want to hide parts of the vehicle while capturing images (where there are damages)
  4. There is significant admin effort required in reviewing these inspections, generating repair estimates and planning for repairs.
  5. They would also like to prepare payment plans to recover repair costs from their end users over a reasonable amount of time rather than postpone it till the end-of-lease

Making remote damage assessment efficient

With ClearInspect self inspection functionality, fleet admins can create custom weblinks and share with their customers via email on a monthly or quarterly basis depending on usage. End users open the weblinks on a mobile browser on their smartphones and are guided through the inspection process. With ClearInspect real time AI, images captured are checked in real time if they meet the necessary criteria so users cannot skip parts of the vehicle. Images uploaded by end users are automatically analysed for damages and a condition report highlighting all the damages is generated for fleet admins to view. Optional feature enables generation of repair estimates based on damages identified.

Weblink based inspections carried out by end users is an efficient way for fleet owners to know the condition of their vehicles during the lease/rental/subscription term (mid term) and towards the end. Combined with automated damage assessment and repair cost estimation it reduces admin overhead significantly.

About ClearQuote Technologies Limited

ClearInspect is a product of ClearQuote Technologies Limited includes clients in Australia, UK, Europe & India and powers several thousand vehicle inspections a day. Visit https://clearinspect.co.uk for more information or write to hello@clearinspect.co.uk for a demo and a free trial.


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