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Improving driver behaviour: Using telematics for safety & engagement

By Richard Hemming – VP Customer Success, GreenRoad Technologies 

Did you know that ~94% of accidents are caused by driver error? (Source: NHTSA)

That’s why, if you want to make a real impact on fleet safety, you have to focus on the driver.

The good news is that almost all drivers – given the right tools and incentives, can improve their safety dramatically – even overnight! 

When drivers get accurate real-time feedback about their driving and positive re-enforcement, almost all of them start improving immediately, paying more attention to the road and driving more carefully. This strengthens the fleet’s safety culture, resulting in significant, rapid reductions in accidents (often over 50%), fuel consumption (or charge range for Electric Vehicles) (10%-20%), maintenance costs and risk. And these benefits continue to build over time.

The Challenge: Driver Buy-In
Unfortunately, every fleet has “resistors”: drivers who remain attached to their “aggressive” (our words) or “skilled and confident” (their words) driving styles. Truthfully, no one likes being told that they are poor drivers – particularly not from a manager.

That’s why a real time, in-vehicle self-coaching approach is so important. When drivers are put in control of their own safety, with second-by-second guidance provided by artificial intelligence-powered coaching rather than by an outsider, the drivers are able to independently reach their own goals with minimal management intervention.

Driver empowerment can be taken even higher by adding in gamification elements. Once driver safety is tracked – especially via objective Safety Scores – it can be rewarded with peer and management acknowledgement and prizes. Even simple “leader boards” can work wonders: no one wants to see their name at the bottom of list!

Just Download and Go
Today, any fleet can implement real-time, in-vehicle driver coaching and gamification by simply downloading an app onto their drivers’ mobile devices. And the online world makes competitions easier than ever to run – whether inside a single depot, or company-wide.

The opportunity is literally in your hands. The sooner your drivers “click”, the sooner you will experience the benefits!

GreenRoad Technologies, a leading provider of fleet safety telematics, provides advanced digital solutions for real-time driver coaching and safety gamification.

LinkedIn group – Fleet Management Networking Community https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8694097/

Did you know that ~94% of accidents are caused by driver error? (Source: NHTSA). That’s why, if you want to make a real impact on fleet safety, you have to change the behaviour of your drivers. In this article, GreenRoad’s Richard Hemming, FCILT, discusses how the latest telematics technologies can make it happen with automated tools and apps for real-time driver coaching, friendly competitions and engagement.

#driverbehaviour #safetytelematics #fleetmanageemnt #app


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