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DAVIS launches vehicle accident feature to further improve risk management

Licence Check has announced a series of innovations for its cloud-based Driver and Vehicle Information Solution brand, DAVIS, including accident recording, enhanced licence checking and enhanced security.

DAVIS (Driver & Vehicle Information Solutions) helps organisations better manage driver and vehicle risk by automating essential checks and streamlining compliance processes. 

DAVIS was enhanced last October with the launch of Fleet File, providing users with a database for managing their fleet vehicles including company cars  and pool vehicles and storing all relevant vehicle information, including age, tax MOT, CO2 emissions. 

It also allows users to upload business-critical documents such as fleet insurance policies and driver handbooks.

Now, from next month, a new accident recording feature will allow Fleet File users to document accidents against a specific vehicle and a named driver to provide greater insight into the most at-risk drivers as part of an ongoing risk management process.

The new accident management function records date, time and location of the accident and provides enhanced dashboard reporting to include recent accidents and accident severity. It also issues reminders for open accidents and outstanding issues, as well as providing an upload facility for images of vehicle damage. It also carries insurance claim details and has the ability to assign accidents to a named driver.

DAVIS automatically scores all drivers and assigning them as ‘Low’, ‘Medium’ or ‘High’ risk. The award-winning Driver Risk Score takes into consideration a variety of factors (including endorsements, penalty points, assessments and even telematics results such as driver behaviour) and has now been reconfigured to calculate the associated risk of a particular accident to give Fleet Managers an enhanced view of driver risk.  

Richard Brown, director of sales at Licence Check, now part of online solutions provider, Ebbon-Dacs, said: “It has been particularly rewarding to work on these important new releases for DAVIS, as we know from client research that they will have a positive impact on improving efficiency and transparency when managing driver and vehicle compliance.”

The Licence Check product within DAVIS has been enhanced to simplify the process of adding spouses/partners of business drivers, and clients now have the option to add an extra layer of security at the point of log in. Read more about the latest DAVIS updates here.

DAVIS will be exhibiting at The Commercial Vehicle Show 30th April on stand 4A42. 

Alternatively request a demo by visiting edavis.co.uk or calling 0330 660 71017.


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