13th & 14th November 2024
Radisson Hotel & Conference Centre London Heathrow
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The importance of good data & reporting in fleet operations

By BrightOrder

Reporting, Data and Analysis

We recognise that high level executives require accurate reporting, data capture, and analysis available in real-time. Now this information is available from anywhere, to everywhere with an internet connection. At BrightOrder our maintenance management system, EMDECS was created to address these very issues. 

Whatever the Breadth of Your Operation

We know the importance of getting good data and reporting into the hands of decision makers who manage medium to large to enterprise level fleets. EMDECS gives you peace of mind due to its variety, versatility and customisation of reporting available.

Eliminate Wasted Time

Many companies are still trying to get on using outdated systems or trying to retrieve critical data from multiple pieces of software and doing their own analysis and hoping it is right. So much time is being wasted. Our method utilises a stand alone all in one system. Just think about how much wasted time and effort would be eliminated with centralised information and transparency. We are able to fit our software to meet your needs and even offer optional software customisations, integrations, and more to better manage anything and everything you desire. For larger companies we are able to customise the software to fit your preferred specifications.

For Compliance Issues

We are an accredited DVSA Earned Recognition host provider. With a simple platform to facilitate and manage your maintenance operations across your fleet, you can access, monitor and realise standards across your fleet across reporting KPIs. And you are not wasting time waiting for managers to send in information and risk issues as with our system it is all automated.

Feel free to arrange a meeting with Jason Schurek, BrightOrder’s Senior Account Executive and Richard Smyth, BrightOrder’s Director of Relations, to chat about the many advantages of BrightOrder’s EMDECS.

Find out more about BrightOrder.


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